Awad is a Sudanese human rights defender who fled Sudan for Egypt, where she is registered as a refugee with the UN refugee agency, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (“UNHCR”). For several years she has been in the U.S. resettlement process, and now due to the  Trump administration’s policies targeting refugees (especially those from Muslim-majority countries), she is trapped in Cairo, where Sudanese authorities have harassed and threatened her due to her human rights advocacy.
Awad founded the Sudanese Women Human Rights Project, which is focused on defending and promoting human rights in Sudan. Awad was detained in Sudan due to her human rights work, and fled to Egypt in February 2012, where she has continued her work to protect other Sudanese women’s human rights defenders. Awad is one of many people facing danger orpersecution whose only chance at long-term safety is resettlement to a safe third country.

She registered as a refugee with UNHCR in Cairo in 2013. Her application for resettlement to the U.S. began that same year. However, despite continuing to face significant risk and threats, her case remains in processing. She remains at risk even in Egypt where Sudanese authorities have threatened to deport her to Sudan because of her ongoing human rights advocacy. There, she could face threats against her life and persecution, a serious violation of her human rights.

Please write to the USA: Allow Awad to resettle to safety now!

Urge him to ensure that Awad is resettled to safety in the U.S. as soon as possible. She is a refugee and human rights defender who must be protected from threats. Tell her she’s not alone – send her your messages of support and solidarity.

Mr. Thomas H. Goldberger
Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo
U.S. Embassy Cairo
5 Tawfik Diab Street
Garden City, Cairo
Salutation: Mr. Goldberger